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Detail Benefits
  • Design for and by the people to solve their particular needs from a single family home to a complete city.
  • This tubular structure was designed in order to protect you from environmental weather conditions or seismic conditions.
  • The tubular form will resist stronger wind loads, protect from collapsing on those inside.
  • Resistance from heavy rains, snow, hail, and even fire will be protected from its damaging force. The design functions of a tubular structure are separated as individual units, thus providing protection in case of natural and unnatural events.
  • All plumbing, electrical, and mechanical will be placed below the finished floor level with-in the crawl space.
  • Flow of air conditioning and heat in a tubular structure has fewer restrictions than a conventional box structure.
  • Process of construction is measured in hours, not months.
  • This structure can be placed underground, meet flood zones requirements, or be placed in medium rise structures. You can build single or double floors in a single tubular structure.
  • One can design and build according to size, square footage and length, and partitions and rooms can be arranged in any way that meets your needs.
FROM: Single family homes, townhomes, duplexes, hotels and motels, apartments, hospitals, schools, shopping centers, and correctional facilities are a few types of structures that can be used world over with ISS TUBE technology.